Privacy Policy - マジセミ

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privacyPrivacy Policy

MAJISEMI recognize that personal information is an important asset of individuals,
so we have established the following personal information protection policy.
We will establish a personal information protection system and promote the protection of personal information.

MAJISEMI recognize that personal information is an important asset of individuals, so we have established the following personal information protection policy. We will establish a personal information protection system and promote the protection of personal information.

Privacy policy

MAJISEMI strongly recognize that personal information is an important asset of individuals and the importance of protecting personal information, and comply with laws and regulations regarding the handling of personal information, guidelines established by administrative agencies, and other norms, and as follows: We have established a personal information protection policy, established a system for protecting personal information, and strive to ensure that not only officers and employees but also all parties involved in our business are fully aware of the policy.

1. Acquisition of personal information

Our company acquires customers’ personal information legally and fairly using the following methods.

  • Applications for participation in seminars, exhibitions, and events sponsored, co-hosted, sponsored, or cooperated with by our company.
  • Applications for viewing materials and viewing videos on materials viewing services and video viewing services sponsored, co-sponsored and cooperated by our company.
  • Apply for subscription to the email newsletters operated by our company.
  • Inquiries to our company.
  • Exchange business cards with our employees.
  • Obtaining other information in a manner that complies with laws and regulations regarding the handling of personal information, guidelines established by administrative agencies, and other norms. In addition, in order to respond to requests for disclosure from individuals, we will store the personal information we acquire, including the method of acquisition. Please note that our company DO NOT collect the following information.
  • Personal information based on opt-out procedures.
  • Sensitive personal information.
  • Specific personal information

2. Purpose of use of personal information

Our company use personal information within the scope of the following purposes of use. In addition, if the purpose of use is individually notified or announced, it will be based on the purpose of use.

  • Information on various services, products, seminars, events, etc.
  • Registration for email newsletters operated by our company.
  • Answering your questions.
  • Other purposes of use for which we have informed the person in advance and obtained their consent.

3.Management of personal information

In order to keep customers’ personal information accurate and up-to-date and to prevent unauthorized access, loss, damage, falsification, leakage, etc. of personal information, our company maintains a security system and maintains a management system as follows. We will take necessary measures such as thorough employee training, implement safety measures, and strictly manage personal information.

3.1 Technical safeguards

All personal information is managed on a reliable cloud platform and is NOT managed on paper in the office.
In addition, we will take measures to prevent such access, including appropriate authentication and access control, and strive to prevent unauthorized access from outside of our company. We will also limit access for our employees to the minimum necessary for business purposes.
Furthermore, we will obtain the history of access to personal information so that it can be traced in the event of an accident such as leakage.

3.2 Organizational safeguards

By regularly providing appropriate education and training to those engaged in work that handles personal information, we will raise the awareness of each employee to fully recognize the importance of personal information and handle it appropriately.
When outsourcing the handling of personal information, we will supervise the outsourcing company to ensure that it is handled appropriately by entering into a confidentiality agreement.

4. Prohibition of disclosure and provision of personal information to third parties

Our company will appropriately manage personal information entrusted to us and will not disclose personal information to third parties except in the following cases.

  • Consent from the individual (including consent to provide information to companies hosting, co-sponsoring, collaborating with, and giving lectures)
  • When MAJISEMI discloses personal information to a company to which it outsources part of its work in order to provide the service requested by the person (in this case, we will select a company that meets the standards set by our company as the outsourcing company and , conclude contracts regarding the handling of personal information and provide appropriate supervision)
  • When disclosure is required based on laws and regulations.

In addition, if information is provided to a third party based on the above, the date of provision, provider, and provided data will be recorded and stored.

5. Compliance and review of laws and regulations

Our company will comply with applicable Japanese laws and regulations and other norms regarding personal information held by our company, and we will review the contents of this policy as appropriate and strive to improve it.

6. Cookie information

The websites operated by our company may collect and store costumer’ cookie information and browsing history information. Cookie information will be managed according to our policy. In addition, browsing history information is managed according to our policy, and is used to measure and analyze the browsing status of each content, measure the effectiveness of various measures, etc.
In addition, we may provide services by combining browsing history information and member information.

7. Email newsletter distribution policy

Our company distributes email newsletters such as “MAJISEMI seminar information email that let you understand trends in the IT industry just by reading” according to the following policy.

7.1. Distribution to Newsletter Silver member

Newly collected personal information or customers who request this service become “Newsletter Silver member.” For “Newsletter Silver Member”, we will basically send out an email newsletter about 2 to 3 times a week. Please note that emails will be sent separately to those “who have applied for seminars in the past” (see 7.3).

7.2. Distribution to Newsletter Gold member

If you are a “Newsletter Silver Member” and reach the standards set by our company, such as the number of times you view our email newsletter or participate in seminars, you will automatically be certified as a “Newsletter Gold Member.” For “Newsletter Gold Member”, we will basically send out an email newsletter about once a day. If the customer wishes, it is possible to transition to a “Newsletter Silver Member”. Please note that emails will be sent separately to those “who have applied for seminars in the past” (see 7.3).

7.3. Distribution to those who have applied for seminars in the past

For those who have applied for seminars in the past, we will send information about similar seminars via email and/or via seminar portals such as Doorkeeper or Connpass, or from the MAJISEMI system.

7.4. Contacting those whose subscription has been suspended

Even if you have opted out of receiving our newsletter, we may still contact you by email about once a month regarding important matters or information that we deem to be of benefit to the recipient.

7.5. Unsubscribe and Resuming subscription

You can unsubscribe from the above email newsletters by following the instructions specified at the end of the email for each type of email newsletter.
If you have unsubscribed from the email newsletter and take the following actions, we may be automatically resuming subscription and you may be registered as an ” Newsletter Silver member”.

  • Apply for seminar
  • Request materials or view videos
  • Inquiry to our company

8. Complaints, disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion of personal information

If you have a complaint regarding the personal information that we have obtained, or if you wish to disclose, correct, or suspend use, please contact us using the contact information below. We will respond within a reasonable period and scope after confirming that you are the person in question or your representative.

Personal Information Manager: Yuichi Terada
President and Representative Director of MAJISEMI
Phone: 03-6721-8548